About the All-Payer Claims Database
The Georgia All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) is a collection of healthcare claims data for both public and private insurance plans in Georgia. The APCD serves as a central source of healthcare information to support evidence-based improvements in access, quality, and cost of healthcare.
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The APCD was established per O.C.G.A. 31-53-40 in 2020, in order to address growing concerns over the cost, quality, and access to healthcare across the state. The Office of Health Strategy and Coordination (OHSC) is responsible for creating and implementing the APCD, and the APCD's administrator is the Georgia Tech Research Institute's (GTRI) Center for Health Analytics and Informatics (CHAI).
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The APCD is designed for the benefit of all Georgians. It provides the public access to information on healthcare costs and population health across the state. In addition, health researchers, policymakers, and state agencies can request subsets of data from the APCD to better inform healthcare delivery and policy.
For more information on APCDs in general, refer to the
is an APCD?" Information Sheet