For Data Users
Data & Reports
For Data Users
About APCD Data
The APCD primarily contains medical, dental, and pharmacy insurance claims. Insurance claims refers to information related to healthcare services provided to patients and the associated costs that are submitted to health insurance providers for reimbursement. Common data elements found in claims data include information about visits, procedures, diagnoses, medication dispensing, costs of care, and demographics.
What data are in the Georgia APCD?
For the latest data, see the Georgia APCD Snapshot.
What data are in the Georgia APCD (graphic with data from March 2024)
Georgia APCD Overall Metrics
Georgia APCD Overall Metrics.png
How do you decide what type of data you need?
A significant amount of data are made publicly available by the Georgia APCD that should address the information needs of many Georgians, including on topics of healthcare cost, quality, and population health (refer to Public Data). For organizations that are familiar with analysis of medical claims and have the necessary security and methodological expertise, Non-Public "claims-level" data can address questions not covered by public data releases. For other organizations looking to use the APCD, custom reports are a great option.
How can information from the APCD be accessed?
Public data including Dashboards, Public Reports, and Public Use Files (PUFs) are available on the Public Data page. For those interested in other data, refer to Custom Reports and Non-Public Data.