Data Access Fees

Data Access Fees

The table below gives price estimates for the non-public data product types offered by the Georgia APCD:

Product Type Range of Fees*
Standard Report $750 - $8,500
Custom Report $2,500 - $20,000
Aggregate Data Set $2,500 - $20,000
De-identified Data Set $5,000 - $25,000
Limited Data Set $7,500 - $30,000
Limited Data Set (OMOP) $10,000 - $45,000

*This information represents estimated pricing. Final fees are based on a number of factors including those below:

  • Years of data requested 
  • Types of data (medical, pharmacy, dental, provider, payer) 
  • Level of customization (complexity of criteria including diagnoses, procedures, medications, demographics)  
  • Inclusion of sensitive data or protected health information 
  • Administrative support required 
  • Technical assistance required 
  • Organizational type (non-profit, commercial, academic, government) 

Application Fee

The application fee for non-public data requests is shown below:

Requestor Type Fee
Academic $150
Non-Profit $150
For-Profit $300

The application fee will go towards the cost of data for approved applications.  Georgia state agencies seeking access to data should contact [email protected]